714 315-8726
Clinical Pastoral Counselor
A Pastoral Counselor is one who integrates the guidelines of counseling with spiritual principles to help others to heal, grow, and develop a closer walk with God and man
Scroll down to see what I might help you with.
Surviving this Journey
No words can describe the loneliness of grief. Does it feel like no one understands, like you are all alone and in a fog? God has allowed me many years of experience both in dealing with the personal loss of my wife and with the experiences of helping others. I offer individual counseling to support you on this journey of grief. I would be glad to be that listening ear for you till the fog begins to lift. I also have led for several years a 13 week group session through griefshare You are always welcome to join the group here at Cornerstone Church where my office is located.
Encouragement & Enlightenment
My goal in Couples Therapy is to help you see how the disappointments, disillusionment's and wounds from childhood are causing the arguments today. Gaining a better understanding of these past issues is the key to bringing back the joy and excitement to your marriage. Marriage can be a wonderful place to be or a living nightmare. Don’t struggle any longer, learn how the patterns you have created can be changed and recreated to allow your marriage to be what God intended it to be. Relationships are designed to bring growth. Growth often brings pain, which can either be avoided or embraced. Avoid it and the struggle only grows and destroys your marriage. As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.Proverbs 27:17 New King James Version (NKJV)
Embrace Life’s Challenges
Have you experienced Physical, mental or sexual abuse? Felt neglect or abandonment? Dealing with a divorce or managing the stress in your life.? Perhaps it's just the challenge of getting through each day? My goal here is to help you discover how the trauma from your past is creating difficulties in your present life and can cause struggles in your relationships. Learning about yourself from your friends and family is the purpose of relationship. However, when your pain from the past gets in the way your growth is hindered. We go into self “defense mode” and attack the ones we love. When we attack they pull back and we miss the opportunity to grow. We need one another! Healing our wounds allows us to flourish as a child of God, in relationship with both our heavenly father and one another. “Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building up the one in need and bringing grace to those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29
Preparing for your future
There is nothing more important that being prepared for marriage. Don’t rush into marriage without being prepared. My goal is to help you discover the areas of this new relationship that needs attention before you say, “I DO”.
We will consider communication, conflict resolution, roles, and intimacy and sexual expression and much more. Discovery not approval of the relationship will be the focus of the time spent together. What you don’t know can hurt your marriage.